All things bright and beautiful!

Just a short one today. I’m very busy putting plans into actions. It goes a bit like this…

During lockdown it became clearer than ever that we all need to support small businesses. When all the loo rolls, pasta and flour went whizzing off the shelves, it was mainly local small businesses that kept me and my family going. We were really lucky that we weren’t victims of the greedy and our shops were just happy to keep their customers happy. 

Some industries were hit so hard during this last year, that a lot of us have been feeling a bit flat without them. We need them, mind and body, and we miss them.

Entertainment, tourism and arts. Theatres closed, holiday and tourist destinations are like ghost towns and all the associated businesses cut deeply. Even close to home, there was no chance of meeting friends to eat drink and be merry.

So, I’m on a mission. I’ve already have a list of businesses that I will be featuring. These are talented people who should be able to live off their talents if only WE would divert our spending their way instead of frittering it away on Amazon, Asos and BodyShop! It’s time we stopped following the crowd and started celebrating those that can give us something different.

Having been brought up to love and appreciate art, nature and creativity; my heart just jumps when I see someone who can combine, reinterpret, imagine, one or all, to create something new. I love unique, I love different and my sights this year are firmly fixed on supporting small businesses that use their talents to make life just a little sweeter for the rest of us.

Just a hobby to pass the time and add a sploosh of COLOUR…


A Cornish Tale


Where it all began!